
Friday, July 3, 2009

Just took

the baby in the stroller and went for a 30 min walk. Feel like I walked about 5lbs off. Not going to go weigh myself though. I took my phone and had some lady gaga playing to try and keep my pace up. It's 3pm so far i had a little cereal for breakfast and some pretzels for a snack. got up around 9am today... too early if you ask me. Not really feeling like eating anything atm. kinda dizzy, just want to take a nap really. i hate getting adjusted to meds.


TheDaughterOfTyr said...

Adjusting to meds can be hard.
Make sure to have a little something though to make sure you're not throwing your blood sugar balance off.

Even 1/2 an apple and a piece of cheese (about the size of your thumb).

or 1/2 cup of frozen berries and a cup of low fat yogurt.