
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pool Time

Went to my MIL's to swim today. I didn't swim swim but i did walk around in the pool alot pulling Kit in her little raft and some of the time i sorta floated on my back and kicked instead of walking. Anyways I think walking around for about 20 minat a time in 4 feet of water should count as exercise for the day :P I'm definitely as tired as if I had worked out. Right now is nap time for me and both girls, whether they like it or not. Maybe if i get some rest this afternoon I'll attempt a walk this evening. Oh french toast stix for bkfast and pizza for lunch. A normal serving though instead of like 3 or 4 slices I had a slice and a half of pizza and only 4 french toast stix instead the normal maybe not the best food choices but it is what was there and i didnt eat as much. Anyways going to try and get some rest now.