
Monday, January 18, 2010

Gym Visit

Well I went to visit a gym around her today. They have this women's weight loss program that would be absolutely perfect for me. It's very structured and supportive.....and expensive. Just for me there is a $250 enrollement fee and its $55 every two weeks. Add the kids to the plan and its another $50 enrollement and $20/two weeks PER kid. I would sorta HAVE to add Kit to the plan as otherwise it is $7 per visit for the daycare and I would LIKE to add Tana to the plan as they have kid's programs I think she'd REALLY benefit from.

So I made an appt to visit another gym tomorrow. I only know of 2 other gyms in the area and 1 for sure doesn't have daycare. So we'll see how that goes

Oh and today I was stil 238lbs and they did a body comp....51.7% fat :( thats just gross